
3 Tips to Prevent Back Pain

Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States suffer from back pain on a regular basis. But did you know that there's a lot you can do to not only treat back pain, but also prevent it from happening in the first place? Here at Advanced Chiropractic Group in Santa Barbara, we want to help you learn what to do to keep back pain from holding you back.

Attend to Posture to Reduce Lower Back Pain

Rather than turning to back pain treatment only after you start feeling problems in your lower Santa Barbara chiropractors provide back pain prevention tipsback, pay attention to your posture as you go through your daily activities. Most people these days work at desks, and the way you sit for 40 or more hours each week will have an effect on how you feel. Adjust your chair to provide adequate support, sit up straight to maintain your back's natural curve, and pull your shoulders back to promote healthy alignment. Taking breaks to stand up and walk around for a few minutes every hour also helps decrease the chance of experiencing lower back pain.

Get Regular Chiropractic Adjustments

Our team of Santa Barbara chiropractors is ready to provide adjustments to help you prevent problems before they occur. In addition to making you feel better overall, spinal manipulation can bring problem spots back into alignment before they start causing you pain. The longer you wait after you notice something that feels off, the more likely it is to cause a larger problem down the road.

Participate in Healthy Activities

Staying active is one of the best ways to keep your back healthy. The stronger your core muscles are, the less likely you are to injure yourself in a way that will cause you ongoing back pain. Once you get a herniated disc that leads to sciatica, you'll have to go to chiropractors to help treat the back pain. But if you do yoga, Pilates, and other activities, you can strengthen your muscles before you experience problems.

What other ways have you found to prevent back pain?


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  • "You guys are great! Michael H. is a wonderful person as well as a thoughtful and smart chiropractor. keep up the good work! I'd recommend him to anyone!"
    Carla D.